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Support for professionals

To avoid disappointment and confusion, North Ashfield Partnership has a graduated response for professionals to follow, this graduated response includes:

NAP newsletters

Our latest newsletter is available to all staff and shows dates for planned parenting programmes, contact details of the NAP team, dates for Network meetings, ELF (Emotional Literacy Footprint) training dates and priorities for the academic year.

NAP training

The NAP offers workshops to support the developing understanding of children’s needs.

Escalation scale workshop

Develop your skills when unpicking the needs and behaviours of a child, this workshop draws together the in-depth knowledge of the whole community around a child to ensure that everyone uses a shared resource and common language as working together reduces confusion, reactive responses while understanding that behaviour is a form of communication.  

Lego therapy workshop

Develop your skills as a practitioner and add Lego therapy to your toolbox of strategies when working with a target group of children as they develop their social skills and language.  

Breakwell’s Assault cycle

Helps professionals to understand, explore and identify strategies that can change how the chemicals we all naturally produce as we de-regulate impact on our bodies.

Emotional literacy footprint workshops (ELF)

Have-a-go sessions where professionals are walked through the reasoning for and strategies used in NAP ELF sessions. Attendees will receive the planning that enables them to facilitate their own ELF groups in school.   

Graduated response

A workshop gives professionals an opportunity to explore and understand how to develop a community of support within a graduated response, not only useful for staff who support a child with SEMH needs but for anyone who questions “where do we go from here?”

Parenting groups

Unsure which group is right for your parents? This workshop offers the chance to understand what is expected of schools and parents for groups such as NVR (Non-Violent Resistance), 123 Magic and Parental Resilience. It will also help you to understand what other courses are available from agencies.

Developing a Team Around the Child process

This workshop supports schools to explore and understand best practice when faciliating and managing a TAC (Team Around the Child) or TAF (Team Around the Family) meeting.

Solihull Foundation training 

Develop an understanding of the Solihull Parenting Approach and support parents in your own school- no waiting for referrals.

NAP attached sessions

In North Ashfield we offer group ‘attached’ sessions where parents and carers take time away from the busy school routine with their child to explore and understand each other as they take part in practical and activity-based sessions both indoors and out:

Brain box: through games, activities and a desire to be curious these sessions allow parents and carers the time to explore how the brain works and what impact our natural responses have on behaviour.

Mindful Bods: this programme of activities, games, stretches and relaxation encourages parents and carers to understand and develop ‘wind down’ routines that can be replicated at home.

Forest schools: with curiosity at its heart these sessions encourage parents, carers and their children to develop their relationship by working together in a natural environment on tasks and activities that encourage growth and understanding.

How to request a place: Requesting a place on any of the NAP staff awareness sessions couldn’t be easier: simply forward an email to the relevant NAP staff member and add your name to the list, professionals will be contacted directly and invited to the training once venues and dates have been confirmed.

Online surgeries

Take place half termly, surgeries offer professionals the chance to develop and explore a solution focused approach that celebrate success, explore behaviour, evaluate prior support and identify possible strategies that may support a child and school to move forward.

NAP surgeries must be booked in advance by completing a North Ashfield Partnership (NAP) parental permission form to access support with the surgery panel.



Meadow house
Littleworth, Mansfield
Nottinghamshire, NG18 2TA